Reply : 1
The best way to gain quality backlinks is by earning a good reputation online. Your first priority should be to do a couple audit of your site in regards to quality of content and user experience. Do people love visiting your site, and are you fulfilling their needs.
If you are able to do these two things you will have the framework needed to build up some social media buzz, and begin earning the right to ask people to link back to your site. Another great way to earn quality backlinks is through guest posting on other sites. You can then link back to your page within your post or in your author bio.
Reply : 2
Creating backlinks requires good knowledge about SEO services. You should always look for good PR sites and post the content in the relevant forum. Blog commenting is also a terrific way to get back-links. One should post the comments in the websites that are related to travelling. The other result-oriented method of generating back-link is posting info-graphics, guest articles internal links and blogging etc.
Reply : 3
In order to create backlinks for a travel site, you must either get reviews from customers on other sites, or get you partners to link to you. If your partners you work with are trusted businesses it will surely boost your page rankings.
To get influencers to link to you, try offering free trips to people with large audiences in exchange for a review of the services and customer service. Most people will include a link back to you with their review.
Another way to encourage links is an affiliate program. Considering creating one and influences will be trying to make sales for you. It’s a very efficient form of advertising also because you don’t spend any money unless a sale is made. If you would like personal consultation or help setting up these services message me on here and I’ll gladly help.