If you’re a small to medium sized business, you’ve probably faced the difficulty of deciding on a hosting plan for your website. Which kind? What will suit your business needs? If you want an economical, efficient, and effective solution, you’ll want a shared hosting solution. SingleWebHosting shared hosting solutions take care of hosting your websites on the highest quality equipment and infrastructure, leaving you free to run your business.

Selling online
- Free online store
- PayPal integration
- Easy 1-click installer
- OpenCart Shopping cart

Customer support
- Online help center and ticketing system
- Step-by-step tutorials
- 30-day money back guarantee
- 24/7 phone and chat support

Designing and building tools
- Website Builder
- Mobile optimized site builder
- WordPress 1-click installer
- Hundreds of templates and themes
- Easy-to-use setup wizards

Sending and receiving email
- Customizable email address with your domain (you@yourdomain.com)
- Check email online with WebMail
- Email forwarding
- Autoresponders
- Customizable spam filters
- POP3/IMAP email accounts