Our Website Hosting plans give you the perfect solution to your website hosting requirements. Each of our hosting packages come with enough Disk Space and Bandwidth to keep your websites fast and reliable. We also have an expert support team on hand 24/7 to help you move to our servers for free.
Our Shared Hosting combines the power of Microsoft ASP.NET and MS SQL with the popular PHP and MySQL, allowing you to use the best applications from both ecosystems.
we prefer Clients to go on a month-by-month basis. If you do need to switch, or you’re after an upgrade to your plan, just let us know, pay the month’s bill and you’re free to switch. There is no Restrictions.
348/- PKR mo
Disk space : 1.5GB
Addon Domains : 1
Monthly Bandwidth : Unlimited
Monthly traffic : Unlimited
Sub Domains : 3
SQL Server Databases : 1
Email Accounts : 5
790/- PKR mo
Disk space : 5GB
Addon Domains : 1
Monthly Bandwidth : Unlimited
Monthly traffic : Unlimited
Sub Domains : 5
SQL Server Databases : 3
Email Accounts : 25
1250/- PKR mo
Disk space : 10GB
Addon Domains : 1
Monthly Bandwidth : Unlimited
Monthly traffic : Unlimited
Sub Domains : 10
SQL Server Databases : 5
Email Accounts : 50
2220/- PKR mo
Disk space : 20GB
Addon Domains : 3
Monthly Bandwidth : Unlimited
Monthly traffic : Unlimited
Sub Domains : Unlimited
SQL Server Databases : 10
Email Accounts : Unlimited